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Scout Skills Challenge Award Badge -

Scout Skills Challenge Award Badge

To purchase...

To purchase this badge, you need to be a member of a Leadership Team or Support Team.​ You’ll need to sign in and enter your details, plus your membership number in the Scout ID box.

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Scout Skills Challenge Award Badge

Each of these challenges make up part of the Chief Scouts Gold Award.

How to earn the badge:

1. Regularly take part in...

Scout Skills Challenge Award Badge

Each of these challenges make up part of the Chief Scouts Gold Award.

How to earn the badge:

1. Regularly take part in physical activities over a period of four to six weeks. Keep a record showing your improvement. Your goal could be to develop in an activity or successfully complete a challenge. Physical activity/challenge suggestions:

  • circuit training
  • football skill training
  • aerobic routine
  • synchronised swimming routine
  • Zumba aerobics
  • tap dancing
  • team sports.
  • charity swim
  • long distance cycle ride
  • incident hike
  • athletic event
  • pool life-saving test
  • dance competition

2. Show you understand why eating a sensible diet and getting enough sleep is important.

3. Do some research so that you can explain the dangers and harmful effects of smoking, alcohol and drugs.

4. Learn and use at least five of these skills:

  • Mend or customise an item of clothing.
  • Cook and serve a two-course meal, for at least four people.
  • Fix a puncture or a dropped chain on a bike.
  • Wash up after a meal, making sure everything is clean and dry.
  • Use a washing machine to wash a load of clothes.
  • Iron your uniform shirt.
  • Change a lightbulb, in a ceiling light.
  • Set a heating timer and thermostat as needed for the time of year.
  • Clean a toilet, hob or oven.
  • Do another similar home skill.

5. Take part in at least three activities that require a number of problem solving skills.

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About this product
  • Type: Woven with merrow border
  • Size: 42 x 35mm

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£1.99 delivery for orders of badges and woggles only.

Returns - You have 60 days to return an item for exchange or a full refund, excluding sale items.

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