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Scout Cyclist Activity Badge (Go Outdoors)

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To purchase this badge, you need to be a member of a Leadership Team or Support Team.​ You’ll need to sign in and enter your details, plus your membership number in the Scout ID box.

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Scouts Cyclist Activity Badge

Experience the thrill of the ride! Make certain your cycling skills are top-knotch as you plan your next cycling adventure.

To earn your badge,...

Scouts Cyclist Activity Badge

Experience the thrill of the ride! Make certain your cycling skills are top-knotch as you plan your next cycling adventure.

To earn your badge, complete the first two requirements:

Use a bicycle that is properly equipped.

  • Keep it in good working order for at least six months.

Show that you can carry out essential maintenance and repairs, including:

  • Checking and adjusting the brakes
  • Checking and adjusting the gear change
  • Adjusting the seat and handlebars to a correct height
  • Removing a wheel and locating and repairing a puncture
  • Checking and adjusting your cycle helmet
  • Maintaining a set of lights

Then choose one of the following options:

Road cycling

You can automatically complete this option if you gain Bikeability Level 2 or 3. Otherwise, here’s what you need to do for this option:

a) Explain what extra precautions you should take when cycling in the dark or in wet weather. Show you understand why motor vehicles take longer to stop in the wet.

b) Learn the basics of first aid and what to do if an accident happens.

c) Develop a working knowledge of map reading. Orientate a map using a compass or conspicuous features. Estimate distances and times taken to travel.

d) Plan and carry out an all-day cycle ride of at least 40 kilometres (25 miles).

e) Complete one of these:

  • Show you can control a cycle along a slalom course
  • Show you understand the Highway Code, including road signs and helmet use

Off-road cycling

a) Show you understand the Mountain Bike Code of Conduct.

b) Show you can control your cycle over different types of terrain.

c) Show you’re aware of the damage that may be caused to the environment through careless cycling across the countryside.

d) Learn the basics of first aid, including the treatment of hypothermia and find out what to do in the case of an accident.

e) Gain a working knowledge of map reading. Orientate a map using a compass or conspicuous features. Estimate distances and times taken to travel.

f) Plan and carry out an all-day ride of at least 30 kilometres (20 miles).

External qualifications

You can complete this option if you reach one of these standards:

a) The Gold Trix Award of the British Schools Cycling Association

b) Level 3 Go-MTB Award from Cycling Scotland, Sustrans, CTC or Scottish Cycling MBLA.

Sponsored by Go Outdoors.

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About this product
  • Type: Woven with merrow border
  • Size: 40mm

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