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Explorer Scout Naturalist Activity Badge -

Explorers Naturalist Activity Badge

To purchase...

To purchase this badge, you need to be a member of a Leadership Team or Support Team.​ You’ll need to sign in and enter your details, plus your membership number in the Scout ID box.

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Explorer Scout Naturalist Activity Badge

We rely on the natural world for our very survival. This badge will demonstrate your impact and role in preserving it.

How to earn the...

Explorer Scout Naturalist Activity Badge

We rely on the natural world for our very survival. This badge will demonstrate your impact and role in preserving it.

How to earn the badge:

You should be aiming to work towards this badge over 6 to 12 months.

  • Demonstrate your interest in the natural world by regularly taking part in relevant activities and using a variety of study and conservation 
    techniques over a period of time. Show how you’ve improved and developed your skills.
  • Share skills in recording and observing the natural world with a group of young people.
  • Take an in-depth look at how human activity is affecting the natural world, particularly pollution, deforestation and new farming techniques.
  • Demonstrate a good knowledge of natural history terminology, particularly local animal and plant species along with other specialist words.
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About this product
  • Type: Woven with merrow border
  • Size: 40mm

Delivery & Returns

£1.99 delivery for orders of badges and woggles only.

Returns - You have 60 days to return an item for exchange or a full refund, excluding sale items.

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