Beavers Experiment Activity Badge
To purchase...
To purchase this badge, you need to be a member of a Leadership Team or Support Team. You’ll need to sign in and enter your details, plus your membership number in the Scout ID box.
Read moreBeaver Scout Experiment Activity Badge
Scientists do experiments to find out more about the world...
Beaver Scout Experiment Activity Badge
Scientists do experiments to find out more about the world around us. Do some of your own, and you can make your own discoveries.
How to earn the badge:
1. Do three experiments. Talk to your leader about trying these:
- white light spinners
- magnet tricks
- making a ketchup packet sink
- sensory bottles
- volcano eruption
- making slime
- growing cress
- rainbow flowers
Before you try them, what do you think might happen?
2. After you do your experiments, tell other Beavers what you saw and discovered. Try to explain why it happened.
Read moreAbout this product
- Type: Woven with merrow border
- Size: 40mm
£1.99 delivery for orders of badges and woggles only.
Returns - You have 60 days to return an item for exchange or a full refund, excluding sale items.
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