Swimmer Stage 3 Activity Badge
"To purchase this badge, you need to be a member of a Leadership Team or Support Team. You’ll need to sign in and enter your details, plus your membership number in the Scout ID box.
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Swimmer Stage 3 Activity Badge
With plenty of practice and a little confidence, gain a swimmer stage badge as you learn to swim with speed and an expert stroke.
At Scouts we're...
Swimmer Stage 3 Activity Badge
With plenty of practice and a little confidence, gain a swimmer stage badge as you learn to swim with speed and an expert stroke.
At Scouts we're updating the requirements to earn the Swimmer Activity Badges. There will be a cross over of how to earn the badge until August 2025, until then, you can choose to use either set of requirements.
You can view both set of requirements to earn the badge below.
How to earn the Swimmer Activity Badge - Stage 3 (updated Jan 25)
1. Learn about where to swim safely in different locations and find out about the four key water safety messages.
2. Take part in a warm up before getting in the pool.
3. Demonstrate how to get in and out of the water safely without support.
4. Tread water for 15 seconds.
5. Swim 15 metres on your front without support.
6. Swim 15 metres on your back without support.
7. Swim 25 metres in a stroke of your choice, with or without support.
8. Show a push and glide movement into a swim and swim for 5 metres.
9. From a floating position on both your front and back, move into a standing position without support.
10. Pick up an object from the floor of the pool.
How to earn the Swimmer Activity Badge - Stage 3 (Original requirements, can be used until Aug 25)
1. Learn the general safety rules for swimming (such as not diving into shallow water or not swimming on your own) and where it is safe to swim locally.
2. Show you know how to prepare for exercises. You could do this by leading a warm up.
3. Demonstrate a controlled entry or dive from the side of the pool into at least 1.5 metres of water.
4. Swim 50 metres in shirt and shorts.
5. Tread water for three minutes, with one hand behind your back.
6. Surface dive into 1.5 metres of water and recover an object with both hands from the bottom. Return to the side of the pool, holding the object in both hands.
7. Enter the water from the side of the pool by sliding in from a sitting position. Using any floating object for support, take up and hold the heat escape lessening posture for five minutes.
8. Swim 400 metres without stopping.
9. Take part in a different organised swimming activity to the one on your previous swimming badge.
Read moreAbout this product
- Type: Woven with merrow border
- Size: 40mm
£1.99 delivery for orders of badges and woggles only.
Returns - You have 60 days to return an item for exchange or a full refund, excluding sale items.
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