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Scout Entertainer Activity Badge -

Scout Entertainer Activity Badge

To purchase...

To purchase this badge, you need to be a member of a Leadership Team or Support Team.​ You’ll need to sign in and enter your details, plus your membership number in the Scout ID box.

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Scout Entertainer Activity Badge

Get ready to accept a standing ovation - showcase your talent and have fun creating a great piece of entertainment.

How to earn the...

Scout Entertainer Activity Badge

Get ready to accept a standing ovation - showcase your talent and have fun creating a great piece of entertainment.

How to earn the badge:

Choose one of the options. Then, as part of a group, complete all tasks to achieve this badge.

Option 1

  • Write and plan some original entertainment. It could involve a campfire or stage routine involving mime, drama, music, storytelling or conjuring. Alternatively, it could take the form of a presentation featuring sketches, film, slides, tapes, photography or sound recordings.
  • Rehearse the entertainment and make sure everyone has a job to do. You might need actors, a producer, a stage manager, front of house or a publicity manager.
  • Present the entertainment to an audience at a school, for your Troop or at a parents’ evening.

Option 2

  • Take an active part in a Scout show or another production. You’ll need to commit to regular rehearsals.
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About this product
  • Type: Woven with merrow border
  • Size: 40mm

Delivery & Returns

£1.99 delivery for orders of badges and woggles only.

Returns - You have 60 days to return an item for exchange or a full refund, excluding sale items.

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