Scout Store for the LGBT+ community

Scout Store for the LGBT+ community
We are proud to launch new Pride badges to support our members and to help LGBT+ allies to show their support to this cause. These badges can be bought and worn by everyone.

Scouts is an inclusive, values based movement and membership is open to all those who share our fundamental values. The Equal Opportunities Policy outlines what we do to ensure the movement is open and accessible; and that people are treated equally and with respect. This policy is reflective of the ethos of Scouts, expressed by our fundamental values (integrity, care, co-operation, respect and belief) and our commitment to delivering Scouts for all. By removing any real or perceived barriers to participation, we can ensure that even more young people can enjoy the adventure of Scouts and that Scouts will be as diverse as the communities in which we live.

Scout Store, as part of Scouts, always shared this commitment. Read the 2019 Guest Blog by Vic Leon-Cutler, Deputy Unit Manager of FLAGS Scout Active Support Unit, or find out all we do as Scouts to promote inclusivity here.