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Scout Forester Activity Badge -

Scout Forester Activity Badge

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To purchase this badge, you need to be a member of a Leadership Team or Support Team.​ You’ll need to sign in and enter your details, plus your membership number in the Scout ID box.

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Scout Forester Activity Badge

Find out about how to manage and identify trees, and help preserve our woodland areas.

How to earn the badge:


Scout Forester Activity Badge

Find out about how to manage and identify trees, and help preserve our woodland areas.

How to earn the badge:

  • Identify at least eight common types of tree that grow in your area, including both deciduous and coniferous.
  • Find out how to identify trees using identification keys.
  • Prepare the soil and successfully transplant a young tree.
  • Find out how both natural woodland and commercial forests are managed. Be aware of the damage these areas may be exposed to from wind, frost, fire and animals.
  • Show how to select, use and care for forestry equipment, and know the safety issues involved.
  • Show how to fell and trim out a tree or lay a hedge.

You must be trained by a skilled person and understand the correct use of axes and saws. You must also be supervised by an adult at all times.

! Young people must be trained by a skilled person and understand the correct use of axes and saws. They must also be supervised by an adult at all times.

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About this product
  • Type: Woven with merrow border
  • Size: 40mm

Delivery & Returns

£1.99 delivery for orders of badges and woggles only.

Returns - You have 60 days to return an item for exchange or a full refund, excluding sale items.

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