Squirrels: have fun outdoors, learn new skills with friends and earn badges.
Yes, Scouts are launching a new section, which will be called Squirrels and extends to 4 and 5-year-olds. Scouts are launching Squirrels in 200+ communities this autumn to help 4 and 5-year-olds gain skills for life at a time when it matters most, where it’s most needed. This will help young people recover after the pandemic.
Take a leap together.
This is an age when minds are fizzing, when energy and curiosity levels are sky-high, when little lives are full of wow and wonder. Set them climbing the tree. Who knows how far they’ll reach? But we’ll need your help to make this all happen. At Squirrels, 4 and 5-year-olds will have fun outdoors, learn new skills with friends and earn badges through fun activities. Scouts are rolling it out over the next two years, but in the short term they’ll be focusing on opening Squirrels sections in the communities most affected by the pandemic.
Tree, two, one... go!
Have you got some spare time? Learn about volunteering. Looking to sign your child up? Take a look at all the information on the dedicated parents' page. Are you a leader already and want to set up Squirrels? Let your local Group know you’re interested.
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Drey - it's how a Squirrel Scouts section is called, the same way there are Beaver Scouts Colonies and Cub Scouts Packs. Flags - ceremonial flags are not required in Squirrels. They are not a mandatory item, there are no rules around a Squirrels flag in POR. Squirrel Dreys are free to mark occasions such as investitures in their own way. Badge placement - learn where all the badges go on the Squirrels uniform and save the file for future references.